Naturist Education Foundation
Research Library

Preserving Naturist History

Magazine Search

We're developing a small tool to do full-text searching of our digitized magazines. If there's a specific topic you're looking for, but aren't sure what magazines it might appear in, this is your seach box!

Once you find a magazine article that perks your interest, you're welcome to submit a "research request" (see the NEFRL page for that form).

We don't have many of our magazines digitized yet, but these are what we have currently.

Notes: The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software isn't perfect in translating pages into text, so the search may miss a few things. Try multiple times with short phrases or keywords. What you enter is exactly the word or phrase that it searches for.

Special thanks to our Nudist Library Consortium partner, the American Nudist Research Library (ANRL), for providing us digitized versions of Clothed With The Sun and Nude & Natural.

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